Monday 30 March 2015

Tina Barney Research

Tina Barney photographed her friends and family as they went about their daily lives during the 80's/90's.
This photograph shows a father and daughter looking rather angry and annoyed. I think the main subject on why the parent would be angry is because of the cigarette/smoking issue as there are a packet of cigarettes and a cigarette in her hand.
The image guides the viewers eyes towards the man and the girl. I think the photographer purposely did this to make the viewer focus on their facial expressions and these things happen on a day to day bases.
The exposure within the image is slightly under exposed, mainly because I think it was purposely done to create this down atmosphere in this image. Judging by the mans facial expression he isn't impressed with the younger teen.
There are triangles used for instance, where her elbows meet, I think the triangle was created to keep your eye focussed on the cigarette as thats the main focus in this image.
Both of the people are in focus unlike the objects on the bed. This is to imply towards the viewer that these are probably objects that he's thrown or that he' been routing through her things. This centres your eyes towards the people and notice their reaction.
The cropping within this image is accurate because it shows the full body image, which for the girl is straight back and for the man it's slouched over. This infers that the teenage girl thinks she's right whereas the man is probably stood that way because he's annoyed.
The background is kept accurately because it shows a girls bedroom with a cupboard full of clothes. This image is ironic because even though she's doing a "low class act" she seems very wealthy because of the surrounding she's in.
Whereas this image is based around the 80's- judging by the curtains and clothing they're both wearing! This image is a more light hearted of a mother and daughter both getting ready. It's as if it's like "mother like daughter" themed because they're both wearing similar dressing gowns.
The exposure here is correctly exposed, however I think an artificial light was used because both women look quite yellowish. Also, it's a very nice colour themed showing they take care of not only themselves but also the house they live in. The photographer purposely didn't make it under exposed to keep the light hearted feel towards the image.
The triangles used are above the window, where the curtains meet. I think the photographer did this again to guide the viewers eyes towards the window, because they're acting like stereotypes of what women are perceived, which is nosey! Especially judging from the mothers face, it's as if she's just made a comment about something outside the window.
I like this image because the colours here are pastel and quite subtle which makes the picture seem more ancient.
I think the image is cropped well because it balances the surrounding more than the people, so it keep the eyes busy. For instance, it has a focussed everything in this picture to keep the eyes looking at the surrounding (the girly products).
In this last image it's a picture of girls at school in the 80's/90's. It's showing how much society has changed during this period of time because if we go into schools or outside schools, school kids are smoking rather than sucking on lollypops. So, the photographer made these girls seem quite innocent. Looking at the type of skirts they're wearing, it's a very formal school.
The photographer focussed the three girls so our eyes can look at them first then we realise the blurred background that it's an all girls school. so they're probably very innocent girls and quite naive.
Also the pattern occurring in their socks shows that the middle one holding the cigarette is the "odd" girl out, its as if she's an outcast in the school. From the way she looks, it really isn't a stereotype of a smoker unlike the first image.
The exposure is correctly exposed from natural light, which gives this mid tone kind of feel towards it, that even though it's a wrong thing to do it's not like anyones stopping her.
The rule of thirds used in this picture is where the wall is, this is so our eyes keeping looking along the wall, so they don't drift off out the picture.
The girl in the middle looks as though she's confident and is very mature unlike the two sat behind her (one of them's giggling)!

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