Thursday 12 March 2015

Greg Williams Research

The photographer Greg Williams present Vintage and Modern very well. For instance, here he has presented a vintage fashion in a very 40's way. For example; here it shows a female accompanied by a man- this definitely implies that women were still going through this ideology of men being the dominant one in the house, going to work and women were made to stay at home.
Judging by her facial expression, she's done something extremely bad or really dislikes the man on the right holding a news paper with 'SCANDAL" across it. this suggests that she may be on the front cover or someone thats special in her life because the subject revolves around her. 
the way she's sat is slightly laid back to suggest maybe she's afraid of what this man may do to her, it's a if she's ashamed of her behaviour. 
The background surrounding her depicts that she maybe rich because she's dressed very elegantly and her furniture looks very expensive.
Here the photographer has used many triangles. I think the two mainly important ones are the ones on the right between the jacket and pants and the woman's leg.The reason why I think the photographer placed a triangle near the pants and the jacket was so the viewer can deliberately view the magazine- even if its not in focus- to make the viewer aware that the newspaper is the subject of the photograph and he kept the woman's legs in a triangular shape so we know that she's slightly laid back and using her legs as a form of protection against him. They maybe arguing because of the newspaper cover? That's how it seems anyway! 
I think this image is correctly cropped because it keeps the male a mystery, the irony of the image is that  we still can't see the man yet he still looks bigger and a lot more dominant than the woman- and we can fully see her!
Also, like I said before the photographer  deliberately left the background as it was to show the social status they both surround themselves in. 
Whereas, this image is a more modern female and within this image there isn't a male figure accompanying her unlike the last image. This connotes that it's a much more independent society. However from her, facial expression it suggests that she maybe thinking about what she's done and the fact she isn't driving shows maybe she's too young? Or she's too unstable to drive? Or maybe she's under the influence of a certain drug? By the way she's dressed implies she's spent the night at someone else's home because she isn't fully dressed and now dh's rethinking about the mistake what she's done. 
The similarities in both images images show that women always make mistakes whether they're with a man or not. 
The effect of the triangle shaped on her legs is to show what exactly she's wearing and to make the audience aware that she's been promiscuous. Another triangle is created between her wrist and her coat because they want the viewer to acknowledge that she has no top on, so she's exposed herself in front of someone.
Also the photographer left the back ground to show the seats of the car- that it's not your ordinary car or transport! That this young lady has money and that it's day time when she's being picked up because its very light outside.

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