Monday 30 March 2015

Tina Barney Research

Tina Barney photographed her friends and family as they went about their daily lives during the 80's/90's.
This photograph shows a father and daughter looking rather angry and annoyed. I think the main subject on why the parent would be angry is because of the cigarette/smoking issue as there are a packet of cigarettes and a cigarette in her hand.
The image guides the viewers eyes towards the man and the girl. I think the photographer purposely did this to make the viewer focus on their facial expressions and these things happen on a day to day bases.
The exposure within the image is slightly under exposed, mainly because I think it was purposely done to create this down atmosphere in this image. Judging by the mans facial expression he isn't impressed with the younger teen.
There are triangles used for instance, where her elbows meet, I think the triangle was created to keep your eye focussed on the cigarette as thats the main focus in this image.
Both of the people are in focus unlike the objects on the bed. This is to imply towards the viewer that these are probably objects that he's thrown or that he' been routing through her things. This centres your eyes towards the people and notice their reaction.
The cropping within this image is accurate because it shows the full body image, which for the girl is straight back and for the man it's slouched over. This infers that the teenage girl thinks she's right whereas the man is probably stood that way because he's annoyed.
The background is kept accurately because it shows a girls bedroom with a cupboard full of clothes. This image is ironic because even though she's doing a "low class act" she seems very wealthy because of the surrounding she's in.
Whereas this image is based around the 80's- judging by the curtains and clothing they're both wearing! This image is a more light hearted of a mother and daughter both getting ready. It's as if it's like "mother like daughter" themed because they're both wearing similar dressing gowns.
The exposure here is correctly exposed, however I think an artificial light was used because both women look quite yellowish. Also, it's a very nice colour themed showing they take care of not only themselves but also the house they live in. The photographer purposely didn't make it under exposed to keep the light hearted feel towards the image.
The triangles used are above the window, where the curtains meet. I think the photographer did this again to guide the viewers eyes towards the window, because they're acting like stereotypes of what women are perceived, which is nosey! Especially judging from the mothers face, it's as if she's just made a comment about something outside the window.
I like this image because the colours here are pastel and quite subtle which makes the picture seem more ancient.
I think the image is cropped well because it balances the surrounding more than the people, so it keep the eyes busy. For instance, it has a focussed everything in this picture to keep the eyes looking at the surrounding (the girly products).
In this last image it's a picture of girls at school in the 80's/90's. It's showing how much society has changed during this period of time because if we go into schools or outside schools, school kids are smoking rather than sucking on lollypops. So, the photographer made these girls seem quite innocent. Looking at the type of skirts they're wearing, it's a very formal school.
The photographer focussed the three girls so our eyes can look at them first then we realise the blurred background that it's an all girls school. so they're probably very innocent girls and quite naive.
Also the pattern occurring in their socks shows that the middle one holding the cigarette is the "odd" girl out, its as if she's an outcast in the school. From the way she looks, it really isn't a stereotype of a smoker unlike the first image.
The exposure is correctly exposed from natural light, which gives this mid tone kind of feel towards it, that even though it's a wrong thing to do it's not like anyones stopping her.
The rule of thirds used in this picture is where the wall is, this is so our eyes keeping looking along the wall, so they don't drift off out the picture.
The girl in the middle looks as though she's confident and is very mature unlike the two sat behind her (one of them's giggling)!

Terry Richardson Research

Terry Richardson is a well known celebrity fashion photographer, however I enjoy his street photography because it  completely contrast the view of his "celebrity lifestyle."
For instance this image was titled, 'palm trees and wires'- the reason why I think he titled it this way was because he was being slightly sarcastic that we've got these beautiful, unique, raw trees and these wires just run through them completely spoiling the view. Not only is it spoiling the view, it's also a message that were ruining the environment and these beautiful trees because were to lazy to walk or even ride somewhere. Also there are more wires than trees, so construction is over dominating our own environment.
This image is called 'Fire Exit' which is iron because a fire exit is suppose to a safety way to escape from a building, but this picture shows it's even more difficult for someone to get out- there's no safety ensured this escape.
This image guides the viewers eyes upwards. The reason why it does this is so it makes the viewer realise how long the mountains of stairs are- by the time you get down them you're not really safe. The reason why it makes you look up is because it's on a diagonal looking up, towards the top of the building. The framing of this image is enclosed by the stair-case, this implies that there is no escape from the danger in this environment.
The reason why I like this image is because it has irony within it; that we are expected to go down a dozen of stairs for our own safety when realistically we won't even make it in time to ensure our safety.
The part which I dislike about this image is that it's too busy with the shadows, and your eyes are looking everywhere, so it takes the message from the photo. However, metaphorically- just like the reaction to a fire is panic, thats what your eyes are doing, panicking because they're unsure on where to look.
I think the colour of the red stairs implies danger and attention of this sense of panic, whereas the black suggests death and lifeless. It's like you go from to danger then it results into ending your life.
The texture within this image is the gates and the ladders on the stairs. Again, the texture of the stairs keeps your eyes quite busy.

Monday 23 March 2015

James Nader Research

 James Nader is a fashion photographer which photographs mainly for magazine. The reason why I'm looking towards fashion photography is because i want to do something based around fashion and see where my ideas lead me.
This model is pictured, I say as quite a vintage look mainly because of the hair and the make up. Also the black and white effect gives this vintage vibe towards the image.
The picture is mainly based around the 60's because in the image the woman is led by another woman so it'd be allowed for women to not be accompanied by a male.
The position she's lay in is on her front lay down, I think this is effective because it doesn't keep you eye out of the picture because her body is cropped up to her upper body, so your eyes lead out of the picture with her body. The composition of the other woman in the background is smartly don't because her legs lead your eyes towards the models face.
There are many triangles used, one example would be the bend in her back, this just keeps your eyes busy, especially because its near the end of the image, it keeps the eyes just there. Another triangle made would be her elbow because it leads you towards the make up.

Whereas this image looks more posed unlike the first one. This is a more modern era I think because it's completely different clothing than the first image.
This image follows the rule of thirds because the lamp is on the line towards the left, so immediately your eyes look into the background and you start to notice the window with a brick view. This implies that maybe she isn't able to afford a luxury apartment because she's only seeing a brick window. Also suggests that she's trapped and she has no way out. So, it's ironic because the window is her only way to liberate herself but thats been blocked.
The triangles used just above her head keep the eyes focussed towards her, and her body gesture. Nader purposely did this to keep you more focussed onto the model rather than her surroundings.

The bottom image is very twenties based, you can tell this by the short twenties hair which women were anxiously excited about. Also the make up and shot is very twenties model like.
In this image towards the left, the photographer used artificial lighting, mainly because many photographers around that time loved to keep the face quite bright, to contrast against the dark background. So, it gives this twenties feel towards it.
Judging from the costume she's wearing she's quite a wealthy woman also only urban or wealthy women cut their hair short unlike women who lived in rural areas.
I like the image on the left because it makes the model seem more like a movie star. I like the portrait image of the model because it makes the audience relate to her in a sense, makes the viewer feel part of the image.

Thursday 19 March 2015

Boman Research

I enjoy this photographer because unlike the others it disguises quite old fashioned shoes into objects with the same colour as them. The composition of the shoe is diagonally placed, as you can see it creates a slight curve between the heel and the bridge of the shoe. This is made so your eyes follow the shape of the shoes and catches your eye towards the fruit.
I lik the way it's kept the same colour as the fruit instead of turning into black and white because it gives more vibrance and quite an enjoyable view which creates a happy atmosphere.

Here is a shoe disguises with a lobster. I think this is very smartly created because the laces on the shoes match with the anteners on the lobster.
The photographer purposely used contrast between red and white because red is a very vibrant colour whereas the white is a very subtle one. So, theres a clash of colours to give the eyes attention.
The ideas immediately got towards the point of the shoe, the reason why the eyes look in that direction is because a triangle is used. I think the eyes realise that this image is strangely absurd because they're so used to seeing two pairs of shoes rather than a lobster replacing one of them.
The pattern on the lobsters back adds a lot of detail which makes your image a lot more interesting then leads towards the end of the lobster.
However, the yes remain on the plate because the lobster ends at the end of the plate and joins with the curve on the plate and end at the shoe again so it's an on going cycle that keep your eyes remained on top of the plate.

Whereas this image is disguised with corn. I think the texture of the shoe and corn disguise the shoe Also it keeps the eyes busy as if it's a real sweetcorn. As a result of the texture being effective, it makes the shoe look as good to eat as the actual corn.
The exposure in this image is slightly over exposed but I think this is purposely done because  it brings out the yellow- which connotes happiness and freedom.
The shoe used is like a workers shoe, so this is a metaphor for thanking a worker for doing the job accurately- like it's some sort of praise on the workers behalf.
I think its correctly cropped because it keeps your eye within the picture, for instance if the full shoe was kept in the image your eyes drift away, whereas cutting just the top is enough for the eyes to wonder back and for onto the shoe.

Thursday 12 March 2015

Greg Williams Research

The photographer Greg Williams present Vintage and Modern very well. For instance, here he has presented a vintage fashion in a very 40's way. For example; here it shows a female accompanied by a man- this definitely implies that women were still going through this ideology of men being the dominant one in the house, going to work and women were made to stay at home.
Judging by her facial expression, she's done something extremely bad or really dislikes the man on the right holding a news paper with 'SCANDAL" across it. this suggests that she may be on the front cover or someone thats special in her life because the subject revolves around her. 
the way she's sat is slightly laid back to suggest maybe she's afraid of what this man may do to her, it's a if she's ashamed of her behaviour. 
The background surrounding her depicts that she maybe rich because she's dressed very elegantly and her furniture looks very expensive.
Here the photographer has used many triangles. I think the two mainly important ones are the ones on the right between the jacket and pants and the woman's leg.The reason why I think the photographer placed a triangle near the pants and the jacket was so the viewer can deliberately view the magazine- even if its not in focus- to make the viewer aware that the newspaper is the subject of the photograph and he kept the woman's legs in a triangular shape so we know that she's slightly laid back and using her legs as a form of protection against him. They maybe arguing because of the newspaper cover? That's how it seems anyway! 
I think this image is correctly cropped because it keeps the male a mystery, the irony of the image is that  we still can't see the man yet he still looks bigger and a lot more dominant than the woman- and we can fully see her!
Also, like I said before the photographer  deliberately left the background as it was to show the social status they both surround themselves in. 
Whereas, this image is a more modern female and within this image there isn't a male figure accompanying her unlike the last image. This connotes that it's a much more independent society. However from her, facial expression it suggests that she maybe thinking about what she's done and the fact she isn't driving shows maybe she's too young? Or she's too unstable to drive? Or maybe she's under the influence of a certain drug? By the way she's dressed implies she's spent the night at someone else's home because she isn't fully dressed and now dh's rethinking about the mistake what she's done. 
The similarities in both images images show that women always make mistakes whether they're with a man or not. 
The effect of the triangle shaped on her legs is to show what exactly she's wearing and to make the audience aware that she's been promiscuous. Another triangle is created between her wrist and her coat because they want the viewer to acknowledge that she has no top on, so she's exposed herself in front of someone.
Also the photographer left the back ground to show the seats of the car- that it's not your ordinary car or transport! That this young lady has money and that it's day time when she's being picked up because its very light outside.

Monday 9 March 2015

Test Shots for Project

I have recently been looking at relationships for my exam piece and chose to explore Vintage and Modern. So, as part of my experiment with this project I decided to photographer street art- people mainly walking in different clothing in different parts of manchester. Also different classes of people walking through a higher status of the city.
In this bottom image I photographed a group of people walking past a homeless man. Suggesting the way they're looking at him they're judging him and I think this just shows how ironic society is; we believe helping each other yet still judge each other by our standard of living. Another reason why this image is ironic is because even though they're judging him, they should be judging themselves for walking around a public area during the day walking around with alcohol.
I like this image because it exactly justifies how people view others and how everyone judges others without helping.
I chose to edit my photos into black and white because it gives off a more profound message about society. I felt like colours in this image didn't work because of the atmosphere of this image- which is quite saddening and makes you think.
The rules of third used in this image is making us look at the man stood in front of the group (on the left line) which implies how he's trying to ignore the problem unlike the group at the back all looking. I suppose in this position it seems like the group are acknowledging the problem rather than the man just not even looking at him. This gesture connotes that he doesn't even have the audacity or respect to even notice a man on the floor. Also 2/3 of the floor is shown. I think I could improve this by either cropping the image or getting even closer towards the topic of the photo.
However, I quite like the image with the shadows because it's as if where the homeless man is, is the dark side and where the public are is like the bright side- it's as if were keeping away from some sort of evil.