Monday 15 December 2014

Risk Assessment (Home)

HAZARD                              REDUCE RISK                                            LEVEL OF RISK                  
Falling down stairs- could      Watch the steps and where you're                  Low
 be doing                                 standing or posing
the shoot on the stairs

Camera dropping- camera       Watch how you're holding it, make               Medium
could fall and break then you   sure you wear the strap around
won't be able to shoot              your neck


Planing For Personal Project (Location)

The location where I'm planning to shoot is at my house because Sherman used a house based setting within her film stills.
Here these film stills are based around the locations within a house. These photos inspire me to shoot my project within a house scenery. Just like these I'll take photos in the bathroom, living room and other various rooms around my house. The furniture, however, needs to be quite old fashioned looking and not modern.

 Whereas the picture below is shot outside and many of her film stills had the Marylyn Monroe's inspired "outside look." I think I'll try some shots outside, however for me to create this look I think would take hard work because of the people walking past you, the lighting, etc.

Friday 5 December 2014

Planning For Personal Project (Appearance)

 Within the 40's and 50's era, big curls were the fashion statement. Cindy Sherman uses the idea of a curly, big hairstyle. In my photography I'm going to style my sisters hair similar to this kind of hair style. The main look which is used within these two images are 'pin-ups' which are curly hair thats had a section of it pinned up. However, because my sisters hair is too long for the curls to stay, I'm going to have to use extra products and turn the temperature on my curlers on her hair (maybe holding the hair onto the curlers for longer may work?)

The hairspray I'm going to use is L'oreal long lasting spray. This is to ensure the hair stays in place for a long time. Also within form the 40s- 50s research has informed me that hairspray was massively used to keep the hair in place and looking defined.

To section the hair I must use a tail comb, this is so the section of the hair is accurate and theres a straight line. Also it;s to make sure that each section of hair is equal. Whereas the comb part is used to brush out the curls. This is so the curls look quite bushy rather than tight, thin curls.
I want the hair to look like this rather than the bottom picture. As you can see, the hair has a constant wave on it which allows the texture in the photograph. The second picture is more modern curls, where the curls haven't been brushed out.

However, because the heat off the curling iron burns my hair, I protect it with Loreal Elnett Satin protector to ensure a smooth finished feel, without dead hair.

 As you can see, the face chart below is from a 50's inspired look. This is the kind of look I wish to create. I have also placed two tutorials for the eye and lip make up. On the eye it uses quite a nude eye shadow lighter than the actual skin tone and on the lip of the eye theres a more bronzier shadow. This is to create a shadow, in the 50's women used to adore this look- it really brought out the eyeliner lining the eye! You notice that the tutorial uses a fine brush, probably a 0.2 paint brush to define the eyeliner across the eye. This is to receive a defined line.
Also the beauty spot above the lip or below the eye was a main essential in the 50's.

Planning for Personal Project (Research)

Marilyn Monroe
Cindy Sherman took inspiration from this specific pose from a film still which Marilyn Monroe was in. I think the reason why Cindy chose this image was because it's very feminine and every males dream woman. However, because of her position and facial features it suggests that again woman were seemed as an object rather than a human being. So, personally I think Cindy tried to show how woman were objectified without anyone noticing.

Here, Cindy remade the shots again inspired by Marilyn. Here it shows Monroe posing for pictures in New York (a busy city). It shows here beauty and how she's casually walking through New York as if she's an ordinary person. I think Cindy here was inspired by how casual she is but because back in the 40's woman stars were more about appearance rather than their talent. I believe Sherman is trying to suggest that the appearance of a woman over powers her talent and role.

Cindy Sherman
Within this shot Sherman was inspired by Sophia Loren's famous shower shots. I can tell she was influenced by Sophia because Marilyn tends to look away from the camera whereas Sophia looks directly at it because she's known to be an independent, strong, female character which was quite rare to see back then.

Within these two bottom images she was mostly influenced by Marilyn. I can tell this by the hair style and make up used. Especially the coloured picture. The way she's sat leaning her body forward was exactly how Marilyn was known- her lean forward. She's trying to show that women use their bodies to get attention rather than there voices.

Sophia Loren
Unlike Monroe, Sophia Loren is very independent, strong minded and controls her attention by the looks she gives. I think Loren's green eyes did the bright work for as, she knew how powerful her eyes were within the media and took advantage by staring into the camera. This look makes the viewer draw into the image and makes you feel apart of it. The feeling of these images is that she's very superior within the female category of actresses.

However here, ben though she's looking away, the stance of her body is very straight and prominent as if she's in charge. Also here arms and legs are very tight towards her body, this conveys that she is in charge of who speaks to her and doesn't allow anyone in.

The reason why I think Cindy chose both of these icons is because they're both strong in different ways. Monroe for her body and Loren for her stare, eyes and stance. Cindy chose these to suggests power within the women roles, even though women were shown to be objects and alienated from the world, these women shown independence and superiority. Especially knowing Cindy is a feminist, she was inspired by these women for being strong.
So, within my photography I'm going to use the role of a strong 40's/50's woman in the style of these idols.